B.Tech Curriculum

1 MA1110 Calculus – I 1
1 MA1220 Calculus – II 1
1 EP1108 Modern Physics 2
1 ID1063 Programming 3
1 EE1030 Matrix Theory 3
1 CS1010 Discrete Maths for Computer Science 3
1 AI1001 Intro to Modern AI 1
1 LA1760 Communication Skills 2
2 MA1130 Vector Calculus 1
2 MA1150 Differential Equations 1
2 MA1230 Series of Functions 1
2 AI1010 Intro to classical AI 1
2 AI1110 Probability and Random Variables 3
2 EM3020 Intro to Entrepreneurship 1
2 AI1233 Optimization-I 3
2 AI1013 Programming for AI 2
2 LA/CA Elective 2
3 ID2230 Data Structures & Applications 3
3 MA2150 Introduction to Metric Spaces 1
3 MA3060 Numerical Analysis 3
3 AI2000 Foundations of ML 3
3 CS3550 DBMS – I 1
3 EE1206 Linear Systems and Signal processing 3
3 AI2200 Concentration Inequalities 1
3 CY 1017 Environmental Chemistry 2
4 CS2443 Algorithms 3
4 AI2100 Deep Learning 3
4 EE2101 Control Systems 3
4 AI2113 Optimization 2 3
4 LA/CA Electives 1
4 CS2030 Theory of Computation 3
5 AI3000 Reinforcement Learning 3
5 AI4000 Robotics 3
5 AI3005 AI Project 3
5 LA/CA Electives 1
5 AI3013 AI for Humanity 3
5 XX xxxx Free Electives 3
6 XX xxxx Free Electives 3
6 AI3703 Natural Language Processing 3
6 AI3603 Computer Vision 3
6 MA2570 Applied Statistics 3
6 LA/CA Elective 1
6 AI Electives 3
7 AI Electives (see baskets) 9
7 Internship
(6 credits can be Credited from internship)
7 LA/CA Elective 1
7 Free Electives 6
8 AI Electives (see baskets) 15
8 LAxxxx Ethics and Values 1
EE5604 Intro to Statistical Learning theory Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
EE5605 Kernel Methods for ML Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
AI3102 Sequence models Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
CS5350 Bayesian Data Analysis Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
EE5470 Nonlinear Control Techniques Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
EE5903 Information Theory, Coding and Inference Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
AI5040 Game Theory and Mechanism Design Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
EE5328 Introduction to Submodular Functions Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
AI5120 Explainability in ML Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
CS5470 Theory of Learning and Kernel Methods Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
CS5120 Probability in Computing Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
CS6360 Advanced topics in Maching Learning Core AI and ML
(At least 6 credits from the list)
CS6370 Information Retrieval Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS5700 Text processing and Retrieval Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
EE6307 Speech Systems Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
EE6310 Image and Video Processing Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS6870 Surveillance Video Analytics Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
HT5083 Text-to-Speech Systems for Indian Languages Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS6803 Topics in Natural Language Processing Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
MA4143 Introduction to Time Series Analysis Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS6140 Video Content Analysis Speech, Vision and Language Technologies
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS6890 Fraud Analytics Using Predictive and Social Network Techniques Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS5600 Data Mining Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
MA4143 Time Series Analysis Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS6460 Visual Big Data Analytics Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS5320 Distributed Computing Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS6713 Scalable algorithms for data analysis Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
MA4043 Algebro-Geometric Methods in Data Analysis: Theory, Applications and Algorithms Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS6070 Tensor: Techniques, Algorithms and Applications Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
CS3563 Introduction to DBMS II Elective Basket: Data Analytics
(At least 3 credits from the list)
AI5153 Mobile Robotics Elective Basket: Other Applications of AI
(At least 3 credits from the list)
BM5020 Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare Elective Basket: Other Applications of AI
(At least 3 credits from the list)
BT3203 Machine learning for Bioinformatics Elective Basket: Other Applications of AI
(At least 3 credits from the list)
BM5033 Statistical Inference Methods in Bioengineering Elective Basket: Other Applications of AI
(At least 3 credits from the list)
SM5010 Autonomous Navigation Elective Basket: Other Applications of AI
(At least 3 credits from the list)
BM6140 Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Elective Basket: Other Applications of AI
(At least 3 credits from the list)
AI5163 Cybersecurity and AI Elective Basket: Other Applications of AI
(At least 3 credits from the list)
AI2000 (or) AI5000 (or) CS5590 (or) CS3390 (or) EE2802 Foundations of Machine Learning
AI2100 (or) AI5100 Deep Learning
AI3001 Advanced topics in ML
Elective List (Minor in AI) Electives
EE5604 Intro to Statistical Learning theory
EE5605 Kernel Methods for ML
AI3102 Sequence models
CS5350 Bayesian Data Analysis
EE5470 Nonlinear Control Techniques
EE5903 Information Theory, Coding and Inference
AI5040 Game Theory and Mechanism Design
EE5328 Introduction to Submodular Functions
AI5120 Explainability in ML
CS5470 Theory of Learning and Kernel Methods
CS5120 Probability in Computing
CS6360 Advanced topics in Maching Learning
AI5153 Mobile Robotics
BM5020 Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare
BT3203 Machine learning for Bioinformatics
BM5033 Statistical Inference Methods in Bioengineering
SM5010 Autonomous Navigation
BM6140 Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
CS6370 Information Retrieval
CS5700 Text processing and Retrieval
EE6307 Speech Systems
EE6310 Image and Video Processing
CS6870 Survaillance Video Analytics
HT5083 Text-to-Speech Systems for Indian Languages
CS6803 Topics in Natural Language Processing
MA4143 Introduction to Time Series Analysis
CS6140 Video Content Analysis
CS6890 Fraud Analytics Using Predictive and Social Network Techniques
CS5600 Data Mining
MA4143 Time Series Analysis
CS6460 Visual Big Data Analytics
CS5320 Distributed Computing
CS6713 Scalable algorithms for data analysis
MA4043 Algebro-Geometric Methods in Data Analysis: Theory, Applications and Algorithms
CS6070 TensTensors: Techniques, Algorithms and Applications
CS3563 Introduction to DBMS II
AI5163 Cybersecurity and AI
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