Department of Artificial Intelligence
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
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Head of the Department and Distinguished Faculty Members
Ganesh Ghalme
Head of the Department
Research Interests: Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Fairness in Machine Learning, Multi-armed Bandits
M. Vidyasagar
Distinguished Professor
Research Interests: Systems and Control Theory, Reinforcement Learning
Department Faculty
Ganesh Ghalme
Research Interests: Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Fairness in Machine Learning, Multi-armed Bandits
Konda Reddy Mopuri
Research Interests: Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence
Rekha Raja
Research Interests: Robotics, Motion Planning
P N Karthik
Research Interests: Multi-armed Bandits, Statistical Learning, Federated Learning, Transfer Learning, Information Theory, Sequential Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, Markov Decision Processes, Anomaly Detection, Stochastic Adaptive Control
Aravind Reddy
Research Interests: Machine Learning, Approximation Algorithms
Affiliated Faculty from Other Departments
C. Krishna Mohan
Research Interests: Video Content Analysis, Machine Learning, Sparsity Based Methods, Deep Learning
Vineeth N. Balasubramanian
Research Interests: Machine Learning, Computer Vision
Maunendra Desarkar
Research Interests: Natural Language Processing, Recommender Systems, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning
Srijith P. K
Research Interests: Bayesian Data Analysis, Probabilistic Machine Learning, Bayesian Non-Parametrics, Survival Analysis and Text Analytics
Manish Singh
Research Interests: Databases, Data Mining, HCI, Information Retrieval, Information Visualization
Sri Rama Murty Kodukula
Research Interests: Signal Processing, Speech Analysis, Pattern Recognition
Sumohana S. Channappayya
Research Interests: Image and Video Quality Assessment, Perceptually Optimal Algorithms, Multimedia Communication
Aditya T. Siripuram
Research Interests: Signal Processing, Sparse Representations, Sampling Techniques, Optimization
J. Balasubramaniam
Research Interests: Fuzzy Logic Connectives, Approximate Reasoning.
Subrahmanya Sastry Challa
Research Interests: Wavelets, Computed Tomography, Sparsity seeking optimization techniques.
Amit Acharyya
Research Interests: Signal Processing, Embedded AI, VLSI systems for next generation healthcare systems, Electronic Aspects of Pervasive Computing
P. Rajalakshmi
Research Interests: AI for Internet of Things, Embedded Systems
Soumya Jana
Research Interests: Multimedia Signal Processing, Information Theory, AI for Healthcare
Sathya Peri
Research Interests: Distributed Systems, Graph Analytics, Parallel Processing
R. Prasanth Kumar
Research Interests: Dynamics, Control, Robotics, Mechatronics
Shantanu Desai
Research Interests: Machine Learning for Astrophysics
Abhinav Kumar
Research Interests: AI in Wireless Communications, Green Cellular Networks, Device to Device Communications
S. Suryakumar
Research Interests: Additive Manufacturing, Design
Kishalay Mitra
Research Interests: Engineering Optimization, Machine Learning Applications
Mohan Raghavan
Research Interests: Computational Neuroscience
Ketan Detroja
Research Interests: AI for Control Systems, Reinforcement Learning for Process Control.
Rameshwar Pratap
Research Interests: Scalabale Data Analytics, Approximation Algorithms
Adjunct Faculty
Nixon Patel
Research Interests: Wireless Communications, Applications of AI and Machine learning
Easwara Subramanian
Research Interests: Stochastic Processes, Reinformecement Leearning
Gaurav Sinha
Research Interests: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics
V L Raju Chinthalapati
Research Interests: Financial Technologies, Quantitative and Computational Finance, Big Data and Analytics, Financial Econometrics, Market Micro structure, Agent-based Models, Complexity Science, Operations Research